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OMG! What Do You Eat?
I have been asked to share some of my vegan recipes and thought it appropriate to title my articles ‘OMG! What do you eat?’ This is the question often asked of me, from people enquiring about why I am a vegan. The other most common statement is, ‘I don’t know how you...
Winter Wellness
By Chrissie Dickie It’s easy to get in the habit of letting what the sky is doing, determine our mindset and attitude for the day. In winter we can find it especially hard to keep up our healthy habits. Here are a few helpful hints for Winter Wellness. Tip 1: Keep...
Meditate Here and Now
By Uttam Ghosh Many of us when we meditate are not awake in that moment of being present. Using the concept of being in the here and now, most of us live our life in the past or future. Being unhappy at what has already happened and fearful about may occur. We carry...
Affirmations You Can Incorporate Into Your Daily Life
What are Affirmations? An Affirmation is a statement declaring what you already believe and know to be true. The dictionary also defines the word Affirmation as a sworn statement, an oath, a confirmation, or a testimony. Here are 5 Affirmations or Mantras that you can...
My 5 Tips to Creating and Maintaining Personal and Business Relationships
Relationships whether in business or personal are a myriad of emotions and experiences based on trust. We appreciate each other’s unique individual traits through understanding, respect and trust. In a personal or business setting the balance of the masculine and the...
Re-Discover Your Voice and Stand Out From the Crowd
We all have at some time in our life experienced those moments where we find ourselves uncomfortable and unable to speak out in a group of people, whether it be to voice our opinion or to stand up and present to a group of our peers or work colleagues. I used to...
Pushing Yourself Out of the Comfort Zone
As far as I can remember, I never wanted to stand out or draw attention to myself for fear of ridicule. Early on in my life, I made the decision to wear the mask that said everything was okay. I used to daydream about what my life could be like. All my life I wanted...
Ego is Not a Dirty Word
In the age of the socially conscious entrepreneur the topic of ‘ego’ is discussed often. The majority of my clients are CEO’s, business owners and coaches who find it difficult walking the fine line of serving others and self-service. When we look at the definition of...
Lessons from a Spider
I was mesmerised and intently watching a spider spin her web. She started with shooting down one line of silk, attached to the netting above the koi pond. I found this interesting in itself as she was fearless, suspended over a large body of water....
By Guest Blogger Donna Renton - Graduate of the Shaman’s Academy The Dream is the theatre where the dreamer is at once the scenery, actor, promotor, author, stage manager, audience, and critic. As the ego stops, the soul, in concert with the higher self, uses the...