News Article

Winter Wellness

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Uncategorized

By Chrissie Dickie

It’s easy to get in the habit of letting what the sky is doing, determine our mindset and attitude for the day. In winter we can find it especially hard to keep up our healthy habits.

Here are a few helpful hints for Winter Wellness.

Tip 1:
Keep positive

A little rain never hurt anyone! If it’s cloudy when you look outside wear a raincoat and embrace the day ahead. It’s the Law of Attraction!  (Suggestion: ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne).

Tip 2:
Keep Active

In winter it can be hard to keep up your exercise regime. Do something you enjoy. I love Yoga, weights training and going for a walk outside. Try something different and keep it fresh. Its easier to get out of bed if you are doing something you enjoy. Just 30 minutes a day is plenty to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. If you have trouble finding the time break it up into three 10 minute sessions.

Tip 3:
Fuel your body with what it needs

The Winter Blues and cold and flu’s can be combated by ensuring the correct micro-nutrients go into your body. Before you reach for the cold and  flu tablets or a supplement try boosting your immunity with these natural alternatives.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A: Squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin & rockmelon are called carotenoids (foods that are high in colourful compounds). These carotenoids are turned into Vitamin A by your body and assist in supporting your immune system against infection.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C: No surprise here vitamin C is most commonly known when it comes to boosting your immune system, but did you know vitamin C isn’t only found in Citrus fruits. Leafy green vegetables such as kale and spinach, brussel sprouts, capsicum, strawberries and papaya are also fantastic sources.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E: Is a powerful infection fighting antioxidant. Easy snack options are Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds & hazelnuts.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D: Is essential for maintaining a healthy mental and emotional state. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). This disorder is more commonly known as the Winter Blues and is a mood disorder associated with the changes in seasons. Between 60-90% of people with SAD are women. Never fear ladies there are some simple solutions.  Sun exposure is key; the UV radiation obtained from the sun is the best natural source of vitamin D. See below  sun exposure recommendations for Australia.

Changing your mindset and looking after your body will help distract you from the weather. Embrace the cold, dance in the rain and choose what you will contribute when each day comes.

Chrissy Dickie
Active Life Coach & Personal Trainer
ESS Compass Group
Ravensthorpe WA